Memos to Myself: Notes for Future Ben

Memos to Myself:

Notes for Future Ben

Musings, Observations, Lessons, and Insights to Look Back On

Time Wars by Jeremy Rifkin | Ben McGary Blog

Time Wars

October 14, 20232 min read

Dear Reader:

It only took one pass through for "Time Wars" by Jeremy Rifkin to become one of my favorites. This book offers a truly captivating look at our relationship with time through the ages, ranging from monks with bell towers, to Jews with calendars, and today's computerized time pieces. It challenged many of my previous understandings and offered fresh perspectives that, at times, blew my mind.

Here are my 5 key takeaways and reflections:

Takeaway 1: The Fluidity of Time

Rifkin discusses the idea that time isn't a fixed concept but changes based on our societal structures and technological progress.

Just as water changes shape based on its container, our view of time has evolved with our civilization.

This insight reminds me to be flexible in my understanding of time and to recognize its influence on our daily lives.

Takeaway 2: Technology's Impact on Time

The book highlights how advances in communication and transportation have changed our sense of time.

In today's world of instant communication, I'm reminded of the importance of patience and the joy of living in the moment.

This point encourages me to find a balance between the fast-paced digital world and the simple, analog beauty of now.

Takeaway 3: Different Cultural Views on Time

Rifkin talks about how various cultures see and value time, emphasizing its diverse interpretations.

From ancient civilizations that viewed time as a cycle to modern societies that see it as a straight line, the book offers a wide view of time's cultural meanings.

This insight helps me appreciate the diverse ways people around the world understand and value time.

Takeaway 4: Time as a Valuable Resource

In "Time Wars," time is presented as a valuable resource, often used and traded, even monetized, in our modern society.

It reminds me of time's true value and pushes me to use it wisely and cherish every second.

As we often learn too late in life, we should all focus on meaningful experiences and to prioritize what truly matters.

Takeaway 5: The Human Desire for Eternity

Rifkin touches on our age-old desire for eternity and our efforts to overcome time's limitations.

This thought connects with my own ideas on legacy and the wish to make a lasting impact.

It emphasizes the importance of living with purpose, where every moment counts and contributes to a lasting legacy.

Reflecting on these takeaways, I see a deep connection between Rifkin's ideas and my own life experiences. By integrating the lessons from "Time Wars" into my life, I feel better equipped to appreciate time's mysteries and gifts.

With each passing day, I'm reminded of the present's beauty, the past's lessons, and the future's potential. "Time Wars" acts as a guide, helping me appreciate time in all its complexity and wonder.

Carpe diem,

Deo Volente.

PS. If these reflections pique your interest, I recommend giving "Time Wars" a read. Find it on Amazon:

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Ben McGary

Business Coach | Marketing Strategist | Founder @ Your Next Leads

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