Memos to Myself: Notes for Future Ben

Memos to Myself:

Notes for Future Ben

Musings, Observations, Lessons, and Insights to Look Back On

Thirsty Horses and Biting Fish | Ben McGary

Thirsty Horses and Biting Fish

October 21, 20233 min read

Dear Reader:

Business is a mixture of timeless wisdom and modern techniques. Nobody has all the answers, but we can find a few gems hidden inside idioms and proverbs.

"You can lead a horse to water..."

This age-old saying, to me, perfectly captures marketing's essence. It's not just about showcasing a product, it's about messaging that guides potential customers toward purchases. But the modern marketer doesn’t rely on mere intuition. They wield powerful tools like data analytics to understand customer behavior, SEO to ensure their water is indeed found by horses, and content marketing to highlight the pristine quality of their water.

Yet, there’s the ever-present caveat:

“But, you can't make them drink.”

True. Yet in today's digital age, we have the advantage of targeted advertising and personalized messaging. Find the already parched horse, target it with the right message, and lead it directly to the water.

The thirstier the horse, the more it appreciates the water's value.

"Teach a man to fish..."

This adage resonates deeply in the world of sales. Forget the dated image of a pushy salesman; today's sales pros are more like fishing guides. They're equipped with CRM tools that track every interaction, ensuring they offer the right bait at the right time. They employ social listening to understand where the fish are biting and leverage sales enablement platforms to ensure they’re always armed with the latest insights.

“And you’ll feed him for a lifetime.”

Maybe. There’s a constant evolution in techniques, and the best technique often wins before others playing the game even get a chance. One person might be trained with a rod and reel, while another might be using the latest fishing boat. Hence, understanding the latest tools and adapting is key.

But, what if there was another way?

“Go back to square one”

Before the horse is thirsty. Before the fish are biting.

What if we employed educational marketing, using platforms like webinars or eBooks, to inform the horse about hydration benefits? A blend of content strategy and inbound marketing could preemptively create real thirst (more accurately create the feeling of that thirst already quenched) - making it much easier to channel toward our stream.

And for fishing, why remain downstream with a traditional rod? Move upstream, employ account-based marketing, identify the fish schools (or target companies), and cast a wide (yet precise) net. We’ll catch our fill before they ever make it to the well-trained fishermen, patiently waiting downstream.

Proactive strategy vs. Reactive measures

This isn’t new. The best companies in the world don't wait for us to raise our hands. They understand the stages of awareness. They tell us we have a problem before we know it. They know how to go upstream.

Them: Do you sleep less than 8 hours a night?”

Us: "Well…yes, I do!"

Them: “Did you know you could be missing out on A, B, and C, while simultaneously putting yourself in danger of X,Y, and Z?”

Us: "Shut up and take my money."

As the realms of marketing and sales continue to intertwine and evolve, it's not just about knowing age-old wisdom, but also about mastering the latest tools and techniques.

To truly succeed in the vast fields of business and the intricate rivers of consumer behavior, we must think differently, act wisely, and blend timeless knowledge with modern prowess.

To creating thirst, moving upstream, and greater success...

Deo volente.

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Ben McGary

Business Coach | Marketing Strategist | Founder @ Your Next Leads

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