Memos to Myself: Notes for Future Ben

Memos to Myself:

Notes for Future Ben

Musings, Observations, Lessons, and Insights to Look Back On

FCK YOU Marketing | Ben McGary

FCK YOU Marketing

October 13, 20234 min read

Dear Reader:

As I stood in line, eagerly awaiting my NY-style pizza (guilty pleasure), I found myself armed with a pen. On a whim, I began crossing off the word "Protein" on the paper menus around me, replacing it with "Meat."

Petty? Stupid Vegan behavior? Perhaps.

But it sparked a train of thought...

You see, I often wear the badge of a marketer. Over the past few years, I've gone deep into the world of marketing, not with the ambition to run Facebook or Google ads for clients, but out of sheer curiosity and a burning desire to learn - "why do I think that?"

The journey of transforming a mere idea into a tangible creation has always been a source of wonder for me.

The pandemic, with its gift of time, became my catalyst. I set out with a mission: to become the ultimate marketing strategist. But as with all quests, mine led me down a rabbit hole...

I began to peel back the layers of society's beliefs, uncovering how they've been meticulously sculpted by the dual forces of marketing: science and art. My love for the genius behind it grew, even as I grappled with the ethical dilemmas of its manipulative tactics.

This exploration birthed my Facebook page, "FCK YOU Marketing" A platform (now taken down) where I aimed to showcase the duality of marketing - its capacity for both brilliance and deception.

"Someone was paid for you to think that."

This phrase became my guiding light, leading me to unearth both the masterpieces and the dark underbelly of marketing campaigns throughout history.

The revelations were staggering. While marketing has its moments of benevolence, its history is tainted with countless instances of manipulation.

Shakespeare once said, "Nothing is neither good nor bad, but thinking makes it so." Over the years, many have weaponized this very notion, crafting marketing campaigns designed to mold our thoughts, guiding us towards specific actions, often to the detriment of our autonomy.

It's easy to dismiss this, thinking, "I'm too savvy to be manipulated." But here's the kicker: marketing is about crafting and spreading a narrative. And when done right, even the most discerning of us can be swayed.

Marketing as a Science

The crème de la crème of marketers understand that true creativity emerges from blending old ideas in novel ways. This journey is a dance between philosophy, psychology, market trends, and even writing (much like the essence of this blog).

By tapping into the subconscious drivers of human behavior, marketers can nudge us in desired directions.

Ever been spooked by an ad that seemed to read your mind? It's not sorcery, but a calculated move...

If you've shown interest in A, B, and C, a marketer knows D is on your horizon. It's psychological hacking at its finest.

Marketing as an Art

In the marketplace, the best-packaged products often steal the show. Presentation is paramount. The aesthetics - colors, fonts, words, and timing - play a pivotal role in capturing our attention in this information-overloaded era. When all factors combine...

Well, as John D. Rockefeller said, "It's all the little things that make the magic."

Consider the rebranding of meat as "Protein."

It's a masterstroke of both science and art. And if we don't pause to question such narratives, they seep into our subconscious, blurring the lines between objective truth and perceived reality.

The exhaustive list of what we've been sold as new, healthy, or "good for us" (that actually isn't) could go on forever...

The endgame?

To mold our perception until we can't discern between genuine truths and marketed realities. And when this strategy hits the bullseye, marketers, like yours truly, reap the rewards, enabling businesses to rake in fortunes.

So, the next time you find yourself swayed by a catchy slogan or a compelling ad, take a moment. Reflect. Question.

Because every choice you make, every preference you have, has likely been influenced by a marketer somewhere.

The antidote? Critical thinking.

Challenge the narratives you're presented with. If not, the world of marketing, with all its allure and deception, will always have the upper hand.

FCK YOU Marketing - a love-hate relationship, but one I wouldn't trade for the world.

Forever yours...

Deo Volente.

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Ben McGary

Business Coach | Marketing Strategist | Founder @ Your Next Leads

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