Memos to Myself: Notes for Future Ben

Memos to Myself:

Notes for Future Ben

Musings, Observations, Lessons, and Insights to Look Back On

About Ben McGary: Why I'm Writing

Why I'm Writing

August 12, 20233 min read

“I want a really great quote here." - Ben McGary

Dear Reader:

You guessed it. My name is Ben.

I'm an aspiring sage (person, not plant) with a lot on my mind. Thanks to a fortunate turn of events, I have time to write. And write I will.

As you may (or may not) already know, I love to read, hike, jog, and cook. I'm the quiet type - an introvert - and very, very happy with it. I ask a lot of questions.

Together, with my much better half (of almost 13 years!) I travel...often.

I'm getting older. Ugh. But with age comes knowledge (hopefully) and new passions.

One of my newfound passions involves relearning what I believe to already know. Or...questioning everything. For example - "Why do I think breakfast the most important meal of the day?" The answer: a marketing campaign for cereal. Whoa.

I have a lot to learn. More to unlearn. That's the point of writing this all down.

Why writing? Why not build a YouTube channel or a group on social media?

Technology is advancing and the way we learn is rapidly changing but writing is timeless.

Plus, I want to write...I like to write.

I'm Ben

Oh, and I hate being on camera.

That's why I use Benmojis so much (see the shockingly accurate image on the left.)

I've built and moderated social media groups before.

They are certainly helpful for building a community and a business.

But that's not what I'm doing here.

I just want to get some thoughts out. For me.

Here are 5 things you should know before reading my writing:

1. I'm writing because I want to...

Not because I need to. Not because I have to. Not even to make money (though I'll likely share a fair amount of affiliate links because...why not?) My goal isn't to give advice, preach, or even be read by anyone except the future version of myself.

In 2110, what will I think of my thoughts from 2022?

2. I'm writing for me...later.

As much as I (truly) hope you enjoy every word, you - my dear reader - are not my focus. I want to document my stories, lessons, and thoughts. My goal is to love every minute of it, I can't do that if I'm focused on what you want.

When I'm old(er) and gray(er), I want to be happy that I wrote my way.

3. I'm writing about my interests...all of 'em.

No, I'm not a niche writer. I'm interested in different topics and I'm going write about them all when the time is right. I'll cover Sales, Marketing, Technology, and other business-related topics. Health, Wellness, and Travel will certainly be included too.

I hope that's nowhere near an exhaustive list.

4. I have no idea what I'm doing...and that's okay?

I don't have a formal writing education or training. I'm really not sure where to even start. In the past, I would have let that stop me from starting. For once, I'm choosing the process over perfection.

I know it's not all going to be good. I'm good with that.

5. I'm opinionated...and authentic.

I have a pretty unique point of view. I like to think it's right, more times than not anyway. I won't hide from it or try to mask my authenticity. It's important to me.

However, I love to learn and am always willing to change my mind.

Challenge me but be warned...I don't go down without a fight.

That's all for now.

Why I WriteAbout Ben
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Ben McGary

Business Coach | Marketing Strategist | Founder @ Your Next Leads

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Love, Ben McGary - Benmoji
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