Memos to Myself: Notes for Future Ben

Memos to Myself:

Notes for Future Ben

Musings, Observations, Lessons, and Insights to Look Back On

Benmoji - Mirror

Strengths & Weaknesses

August 12, 20232 min read

Dear Reader:

Peering into the mirror of introspection, I find both light and shadows within.

My journey of self-awareness has been illuminated by diverse experiences and the echoes of countless personality tests. Through this prism, who I am comes into focus.

Strengths: A Kaleidoscope of Attributes

Confidence: I stand on the bedrock of belief — belief that I can shape my destiny as I choose. The universe is my canvas, and I hold the brush.

Emotionally Intelligent: In the symphony of human emotions, I am attuned to the melodies of others. Through empathy, I navigate not only my own heart but also the hearts of those around me.

Active Listening: When others speak, I embrace their words. I'm more than a listener; I'm a vessel that holds their stories, attempting to validate the essence of their being.

Optimistic: The dawn of each day holds opportunity. The sky may be overcast, but I see the silver lining, the promise of a sunbeam breaking through.

Organization: I bring order to chaos. I arrange the pieces of my life like a puzzle, allowing me to focus on the masterpiece within.

Leadership: In the dance of roles, I often find myself leading the waltz. A mantle of leadership is a badge of honor I wear willingly, understanding the weight it carries.

Curiosity: I'm a perpetual student, chasing knowledge like a comet chasing the sun. The quest for understanding fuels my fire, igniting a thirst for more.

Logical: My compass is reason, guided by the stars of logic. I navigate the waters of uncertainty with the rudder of rationale.

Independent: In a world of influences, I stand as an individual. The applause of others is sweet, but my self-worth flows from an internal spring.

Weaknesses: Shadows in the Light

Spontaneity: The itch for change sometimes leads me to question the confines of the status quo. Structure is my ally, but the siren call of spontaneity can be irresistible.

Over-committing: I've danced with ambition, sometimes taking more partners than the stage can hold. A remedy? To remember that the dance is best when the steps are graceful, not rushed.

Networking: In the midst of a crowd, I sometimes retreat into solitude. The art of small talk eludes me, yet I bridge the gap through digital realms where my words hold weight.

Un-balanced Assertiveness: The roar of my assertiveness often starts as a whisper. A crescendo of self-advocacy can avert the tempests of misunderstanding.

Patience: Like a sculptor toiling over fine detail, I often yearn for perfection. Recognizing that progress is the steady rhythm of growth tempers my impatient heart.

Advice: The mirror reflects wisdom, yet I sometimes choose to look away. The journey of heeding my own counsel is a voyage of self-discovery.

As I embrace both my strengths and weaknesses, I stand as a mosaic of experiences and traits. With each brushstroke of life, the canvas evolves, a reflection of my evolution.

To the endless journey of knowing myself, flaws and all...

Deo volente.

StrengthsWeaknessesKnowing MyselfEmotional Intelligence
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Ben McGary

Business Coach | Marketing Strategist | Founder @ Your Next Leads

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