Memos to Myself: Notes for Future Ben

Memos to Myself:

Notes for Future Ben

Musings, Observations, Lessons, and Insights to Look Back On

Coaching Ain't Consulting - But I Do Both | Ben McGary

Coaching Ain't Consulting

January 09, 20242 min read

Dear Reader:

Have you ever found yourself facing the choice of whether to bring in a coach or a consultant to navigate your business? It's a decision that can shape your path to success.

Guess what? I've walked in your shoes as a business owner who has hired both, and now I straddle the line as both a coach and a consultant.

Curious to know why? Well, let me explain the distinctions of coaching and consulting and why I think my unique perspective matters...

What is Coaching?

  • Visualize this: Picture yourself on a hike up a challenging mountain. A coach is the seasoned guide walking by your side, assisting you in uncovering a route that capitalizes on your innate strengths.

  • From my standpoint: Coaching revolves around personal and business development. It’s a transformative process where I help individuals and businesses tap into their latent potential, emphasizing growth through self-discovery. Instead of handing out answers, coaching empowers you to find them within.

What is Consulting?

  • Imagine this scenario: Now, imagine your business navigating complex market changes. A consultant steps in as the strategist, meticulously analyzing the landscape and sketching out a well-defined, actionable roadmap.

  • From the world of consulting: It’s the realm of practical solutions and expert advice. In consulting, we dive deep into your specific business challenges, providing expertise, strategic insights, and clear-cut action plans.

The Contrast: Coaching vs. Consulting

  • In coaching: The spotlight shines on personal and professional growth, a journey of self-discovery and empowerment. Here, the answers are just an inner exploration away.

  • In consulting: We pivot towards concrete solutions, drawing upon external expertise to address precise business issues. Action and implementation are the main focal points.

The Intersection: Why I Do Both

  • Here's my unique vantage point: Life and business are more than black and white choices. Sometimes, you need a compassionate guide, while at other times, an expert’s perspective is crucial.

  • Bridging both worlds: By straddling the realms of coaching and consulting, I get to offer truly holistic support. Coaching drives personal and organizational empowerment, while consulting tackles the intricacies of specific business challenges.

The Impact on Clients

  • The real testament: Every client, every business carries its own distinctive identity. Some resonate with the coaching journey, others with consulting, and many find their path in a fusion of both.

  • From my journey: I’ve witnessed remarkable transformations when the right approach aligns with the specific needs of each client. It’s about crafting a tailored expedition to meet unique challenges head-on.

Do What Works For You

So, here’s the takeaway... Coaching and consulting, distinct yet harmoniously convergent. It’s not about choosing sides, but about discerning which suits your current requirement.

I'm happy to help with both,

Deo Volente.

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Ben McGary

Business Coach | Marketing Strategist | Founder @ Your Next Leads

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